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The Art of Journaling

Journaling is for everyone whether it may seem like you're not a writer or you have tried in the past, there is always another option that can work for you.

Finding the write notebook

When the majority of people say they want to start journaling they usually go out and find the best notebook because they believe that having a nice notebook will promote good writing. But when you're starting out you're not looking for good writing, you're looking for any form of pen to paper at all. It's difficult enough to motivate yourself to write let alone write something "good".

So don't hold your notebook shopping to the highest standards, pick up a notebook with a boring cover and make it your own. Check out my journal cover art article here. Or find an old notebook that you gave up on long ago.

Old notebooks most likely won't have bad karma attached from your previous writing or void of writing.

Rip out the old previously written on pages, if you can, and throw them away or keep them in a box. But it's best to start completely blank and fresh.

Write anything and everything

When you're in the future because it usually isn't anyway. Make your goal more focused on getting words out of your head to make space for new experiences or ideas.

Write when you think about writing. If your journal or the question 'should I write about this?' comes into mind. Get out your notebook immediately. Because after the moment has passed you won't write about it and you know it. So when your mind wanders to writing do it then and there.

I have found this especially useful when I want to write more. It can help by setting aside a certain time to write but a lot of the time it just makes journaling something that you dread doing. Because it's written into your schedule but if instead you only have to write when inspiration strikes then your mind will attach journaling with good memories and incline you to write more.

Types of journaling

There is the stereotypical journaler that writes long paragraph after paragraph. Which works really well if you like to write a lot but might not work so well for someone trying to break into their inner writer. This is a great way to improve your natural writing abilities and allows you to express more detail in your entries.

There is the travel journaler that writes about going to different physical locations, not just experiences. This might include images and words expressing the location and surrounding area but also initiates the senses through writing.

Then there is the list journaler. Which can be a great way to get into a writing habit by doing short bullet points which engages the writer's mind in the act of journaling and getting out ideas or emotions but doesn't require a lot of effort or focus for non-writers.

A book enthusiast journal is: organized, filled with tabs, book review/ ratings, and list after list of to-be-read pages.

What's the point

Writing about your personal life, and on a regular basis, might allow an outlet for what's going on within yourself or as a way of expressing yourself and releasing emotion but writing also makes you a better writer. And since writing is required for most instances in the world it will be a definite help to have writing come more naturally.


Michelle Bates
Michelle Bates
Jun 21, 2020

Yes perfect timing for a journaling post!


George B
George B
Jun 20, 2020

So true Georgia and I'll add that as strange and important as 2020 has been so far, we will all and each enjoy going back 10 years from now to see how we remember things were.


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