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Don't Wait, Do. Now.

Have you always wanted to write that screenplay or the next Great American novel? Wanted to try fencing or archery? All reasonable goals, millions of people around the world do these things, well maybe not the Great American novel. But the point is whether you do it on a small scale or practice on a professional fencing team, everything you want is within grasp.

Set no expectations

You can't become a writer without writing. You can't ever know what it feels like to fence without trying fencing. Keep in mind that whatever you do to get closer to your goals doesn't have to be perfect. Each time you take a new step you will improve. You'll figure things out, you'll learn from your mistakes, and grow.

I've always been interested in trying new things. Most recently fencing, archery, acrobatics, and rock climbing. I decided that I would finally try these new skills I had been yearning to explore. I did try them. And although Rock climbing may be the only thing I stick to on a regular basis; I'm endlessly glad that I tried what I did.

Be Courageous

More than anything, fear is likley the major roadblock holding you back. That is completely reasonable, but you must shun the fear. How do you know if something will be worthwhile or simply a waste of time? Or maybe you're afraid you'll make a fool of yourself as a newbie on the block.

Keep in mind that every professional, in any field, started from zero too.

I can assure you that unless you are a flawless human, or living in the 18th century, you will not be wasting your time. And even if the new skill you try is a flop, won't it at least be a different waste of time. It will move you farther from sitting in front of your computer or scrolling on your phone.

Small steps

If you are not ready to leap into the new exploratory version of yourself start small. Maybe watching informational videos about being a writer instead of your usual television series.

Balance is still vital

Don't jump straight off the deep end if you haven't first learned to tread water. When it comes to taking on new habits or activities. You don't suddenly have to devote your whole life to the practice. Maybe start by doing a class once every two weeks to change up things up.

Listen to your inner self

If you have always wanted to be a writer but when you sit down to write you despise the activity, it's okay to let yourself move on from that dream. You shouldn't force yourself to do something that you dread. It may cause you to spiral into wasting more free time after you've completed the most difficult part, starting. But don't give up just because you think you are bad at the activity. You will not improve unless you work and put in the time to become more skilled.

Start that book, write that screenplay, invent that recipe, make that art, compose that song, and don't stop creating.

Stop what you are doing now and take one step no matter the size because if nothing else you'll feel the slightest bit of relief.


Oct 12, 2020

@Sally I'm so glad to hear that you tried journaling that is amazing! And I'm glad you are able to look back on things you regret but use them to help you in the future ☺️☺️


Oct 12, 2020

Georgia, I tried journaling during this time of Covid. I did write daily for maybe a month and then stopped. It will be fun to look back at my journal years later!

In reference to trying other things that are new. I always regret I never did the Women’s Outward Bound program. I still regret not joining. So yes, trying something new is challenging. You are right to encourage one to try...otherwise we never know what we could have done!!! Thanks,Sally


Oct 11, 2020

@darla ;))


Darla Ollila
Oct 11, 2020

A great reminder that not everything we try we will love or be good at but will still have the experience under our belt! Thank you Georgia! And I love the GIF of Lexi 💙


Oct 11, 2020

@George Thank you and great job on finishing your assignment!


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